Ubuntu Net-Install
Anonymous 21. February 2006, 11:54
You may want do know that your guide to install e17 does not work anymore..
MadMan2k 25. February 2006, 15:47
what exactly do you mean? the repository is still online.
I have not tried to install e17 on dapper though...
I have not tried to install e17 on dapper though...
Anonymous 08. December 2006, 16:53
IMO > lovely & simple instrux > Bravo!!
Anonymous 24. February 2007, 05:54
I have been looking for a simple resource like this... thank you so much for this simple howto!
Anonymous 26. March 2007, 04:03
no e17 repository you supplied isn't no more working, all files are of 1k.
this one (deb http://edevelop.org/pkg-e/ubuntu edgy e17) is working, i installed it yesterday from this article.
but i wanted to say to you good job and nice simple howto
this one (deb http://edevelop.org/pkg-e/ubuntu edgy e17) is working, i installed it yesterday from this article.
but i wanted to say to you good job and nice simple howto
MadMan2k 26. March 2007, 20:51
thanks for the notice. Just updated the article.
Anonymous 26. February 2008, 18:07
With Ubuntu 7.10 server, you also need to install xfonts-base to get X & Gnome working